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Annette Baier: The Need for More Than Justice

Posted in Uncategorized by yeyeobillo on February 28, 2009

Book Review Sub- Chapter 12 Annette Baier: The Need for More Than Justice

The Contemporary Moral Problems

Amazon Link: n/a

Quote: “justice perspective by itself is inadequate as a moral theory

We all know that each and every individual should experience justice since it is the right that is innate to us individuals. Justice should be rewarded properly and fairly. On the other hand, Annette Baier states that not only justice should be considered but also inequalities of people should be taken into account.

My Learning expectation

My learning expectation for the twelfth and last sub-chapter of the book is about Annette Baier’s The Need for More Than Justice I am not expecting anything but I promise myself one thing, to fully read and carefully understand what is being meant by this chapter and inherit the lesson that the author would like me to be knowledgeable of.


This is the last sub-chapter of the first chapter of the book. It is evident that the past few sub chapters talks about justice. Now according to Annette Baier it is not only justice that has to be considered. Inequalities of people should also be considered.

What do you mean by the inequalities of people? The meaning of this is that people think and act distinctively. Individuals have their own weaknesses and strengths. This sub chapter says that it is not only justice to each and every person should be considered but also the inequalities they have. What is the connection of the inequalities towards justice? Giving justice to individuals should be different it should be based on their condition and their capacity.

What I have learned:

I have learned the point of Annette Baier The Need for More Than Justice. People should not only consider justice since it lacks. Individuals inequality and differences should also be considered when justice is being rendered.

5 Questions

1. Who is Anette Baier?

2. What is the meaning of justice as for Anette Baier?

3. Should justice be fairly given to individuals?

4. Do justice differ based on an individual;s capacity?

5. Do you think people in the Philippines experience justice?

Review Questions:

1. Distinguish between the justice and care perspective. According to Gilligan, how do these perspectives develop?

The justice perspective means that justice should be given while on the other hand care should be given. These perspectives develop when we tend to care for others,thus we learn to give proper justice and care.

2. Explain Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. What criticisms do Gilligan and Baier make of this theory?

The three theories of moral development are the following. Pre-conventional level, Conventional, and Post-conventional.Both Giligan and Baier have contrasting ideas on both of their theories.

3. Baier says there are three important differences between Kantian liberals and their critics. What are these differences?

4. Why does Baier attack the Kantian view that the reason should control unruly passions?

Since it is viewed by Baier that “history speaks by itself”

Discussion Questions:

1.  What does Baier mean when she speaks of the need “to transvaluing the values of our patriarchal past”? Do new values replace the old ones? If so, do we abandon justice, freedom, and rights?

Values before are being replaced by values for the new generation. Yet Justice, Freedom and rights will prolong forever.

2. What is wrong with Kantian view that extends equal rights to all rational beings, including women and minorities? What would Baier say? What do you think?

For me, it is ok. Baier do not agree because she views that people should be treated differently.

3. Baier seems to reject the Kantian emphasis on freedom of choice. Granted, we do not choose our parents, but still don’t we have freedom of choice about many things, and isn’t this very important?

Yes, it is important, yet we should practice this freedom properly

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